Paula and Keith — Married December 11th, 2020

We meet here at the Echo Lake parking lot in front of Cannon Mountain.

Artists Bluff Trail (the most direct way there) — the mileage on the sign is fake news.

Going up a steep, slippery trail.

The happy bride.

The happy groom.

The happy JP — we’re almost there, guys.

This way.

Their portal to the future.

Quite the view.

Eagle Cliff across the street with Mt Lafayette poking up behind it.

Hey kids, gimme a smile.

The couple takes in the view.

In lieu of a bouquet, the bride chooses a red lantern instead.

We are up there alone, minus this guy. But it’s okay, he’s the groom’s best man.

It’s official. Husband and wife. You may kiss… CONGRATULATIONS!
Small World
It should be noted that Mike ran into some photographers he worked with recently on Mt Cardigan during a relatively high-profile wedding which was featured on NH Chronicle. He asked: “Are you here for the wedding?” They replied that they were there for a different wedding. As it turned out, they were shooting a wedding set to begin a half hour later than the one Mike officiated. Cool stuff… congratulations to them, too.