A returning guest asked us for assistance once again in his pursuit of hiking the winter 4000-footers — the tallest mountains in the Whites. This time he requested two hikes, a day apart. The first was Mt Garfield. This was led by Redline Guide Ken Hodges. The second was Mt Lincoln and this was led by Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak. Both trips were a success and both offered completely different weather. After all, we don’t want our guests getting bored.
Garfield Goes
Oh, my, the rain… hypothermia weather!

Sleet and rain made the day interesting. And pretty.

It’s another world up there.

Ken lets our guest attack the summit first.

Bracing against the weather.

Well done.
So Goes Lincoln
And on some days the views reach forever.

The team reaches Little Haystack and begins their traverse to Lincoln.

Incredible landscape.

Lafayette, but they don’t go there today.

The objective.

The pride and joy. Another one well done!
Well done one and all, and thanks for again choosing Redline Guiding.