“It’s a good number,” she said, then added: “It has meaning; it’s spiritual — and it has always had significance.” For our returning guest, the 4006′ Mt Waumbek was her 18th — 18 out of 48 as it concerns hiking all the 4000-footers in N.H. that is. And helping her reach this summit, this important number, was Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak. The hike was an uneventful one. The trail had been broken out and while they carried snowshoes, found they didn’t need them. The hiked was also blessed by the presence of gray jays. Seeing them is always a cool experience, we think.

The obligatory Starr King fireplace photo.

A fine view. Can’t you see it?

Jeffrey led the way.

Selfie at the summit. The cairn was almost buried and not photo-worthy.

It wasn’t all fun and games… there were hardships.
Great lead, Jeffrey, well done one and all… and thanks for again choosing Redline Guiding.