As we do on so many winter weekends, we trained a couple of groups of hikers (including one from the Hike the 4000-Footers on NH group on Facebook), and we attempted to lead one group to the 6288-foot Mt Washington summit. Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case, the weather up there proved a bit too disconcerting. The team — a group of awesome folks from Ridj-it (including the company’s owner) — made it in part as far as the Lion Head rock formation. One member stopped at treeline, but the bulk of the team turned at Lion Head after whooping it up proud of the summit they did make. Leading on this one were Redline Guides Ryan Mcguire and new-but-very-experienced guide Pat Ferland.

Preparations are underway. Meet one of the owners of Ridj-it (left) and new Redline Guide Pat Ferland.

Everyone is getting organized.

The training gets the team outside on a cold but sunny day.

Pat along with a guest.

Practice, practice, practice.

More training.

What goes up, must come down.

Next day the Ridj-it team starts heading up the mountain.

Gearing up on the Fire Road.

Fast forward to the steeps.

For some, treeline is enough.

Fighting their way upward, higher and higher.

The team celebrates their Lion Head summit.
Nice attempt, team. As always, thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.