Camp Tel Noar is a Jewish summer camp for children ages 7 through 16. It’s located in Hampstead, NH on the shores of Sunset Lake. The camp, based on our observations, offers a quintessential experience that is meant to last a lifetime for its youth campers and staff alike. We’d say it is an absolute must for those who can — an experience intrinsic to growing up. Do you remembers yours?
The camp reached out to us a while ago wanting to provide a mountain hiking experience. They had heard about us — all good stuff, we learned — and we were even referred by others who gave us high praise (thank you whoever you are). Due to the number of campers and varied abilities, we decided to form teams based on data we had received. Teams I and II were slated to head to Hermit Lakes on Mt Washington, then carry on toward the grandeur of Tuckerman Ravine with five guides. Some campers could possibly summit, as well, but only if there was time to as a schedule needed to be adhered to. Team III, with two guides, was going to stay lower in elevation and explore some of the gems that exist in Pinkham Notch. Especially Crystal Cascade, Lost Pond, and Square Ledge, all of which offered a variety of interest and some teachable moments. These, we found out, were embraced by many of the campers looking to learn more. This knowledge encouraged us further.
On this trip there were seven guides involved. Specifically, Redline Guides Ken Hodges, Mike Maciel, Howard Aronson, Phoebe Seltzer, Brian Wasiewski, Chase Hall, and Mike Cherim. Combined with camp staff, what could have been a tiring day of complete chaos ended up running enjoyably and smoothly. Especially evident at the end of the day when the teams, as if by magic, came back together. This was far better than the start of the day; it was raining when we arrived. This put a damper on things. Rain? Really? But then as suddenly as it began, it stopped, the sun came out, and once again all was right with the world. We were ready to hike!
At the end of the day high fives were given to the campers followed by an all-in by the guides… exemplary of a positive teamwork experience. Thank you, Redline Guides! What follows are some photos taken by several of ’em. We hope you enjoy the photos. We are keeping them pretty small and being selective about what we post as a handful of parents didn’t okay photos and we want to be sure we respect their privacy.