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We’re Now Six

If we were a child, we would be in first grade this year. It does not seem like it’s been six years, but it has been. Redline Guiding is now six years old, heading into year seven. It feels good. We have a very solid group of guides and instructors, and our reputation is likewise solid. We have tried to make a positive impact over the years — to teach, to lead, to inspire — and on this front, we feel successful.

Incredible people made this a reality. From our knowledgeable and passionate guides, to our amazing guests, some of whom have gone on to complete amazing things. Inasmuch, we want to say thank you very much for allowing us to get to this point in time and to be who we are. It’s been a fun and interesting journey as it hopefully will be for the next six.

🎉 🎁 Thank you! 🎂 🎊

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