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Dad Claims His Prize

Our guest getting after it on Huntington Ravine’s infamous slabs.

On September 15th, 2020, Redline Guiding owner and New Hampshire Justice of the Peace, Mike Cherim, officiated the wedding of two young people, Taylor and Eric, atop Cathedral Ledge. It was a very classy wedding. Style to the max! Built upon this first introduction, Taylor bought her dad a gift certificate covering a day of hiking with us. He seized the opportunity and booked a day with us to “hike” up the notorious Huntington Ravine “Trail” with a guide — “hike” and “trail” used tongue-in-cheek. “Climb” and “cliff” might be more apt.

The views are stunning, but only when not moving. The consequences are real.

We delivered on the guides and then some giving him two of our finest. On lead for this was Redline Guide Pat Ferland. Shadowing the trip, acting as the trip’s photographer, and as a student watching a very experienced Pat do his thing, was Redline Guide Mike Maciel. We also delivered on the ravine offering tips and encouragement along the way that helped lead to a safe and successful ascent.

The team had some amazing weather. It was warm but not horrible, sunny with some clouds, and there were awesome breezes above the ravines and on the ridges that carried a bit of a chill. They would be rewarded with this once they rose from the can-be-frying-pan-like ravine. They didn’t bother summiting the mountain as many don’t after Huntington as that is the quarry for most. So like most do, they exited via a stroll along the beautiful Alpine Garden Trail then down via Lion Head to the Tuckerman Ravine Trail, forming a loop.

Getting all of the action on film, so-to-speak, were both guides, Pat and Mike, with the latter providing the bulk of the imagery. In any case, we compiled most of the images into this short video keepsake as we often do. We hope you enjoy it.

Great job everyone! Thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding!

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