A quick search will reveal a couple of these “Guide Spotlight” posts. And clearly it is time for another. This time we wanted you to get to know Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak a little better. We welcomed Jeffrey to the team on August 15th, 2017, so he’s been contracting with us for a while — almost since the beginning. In this post we are asking Jeffrey three questions we feel some readers will want to know the answers to. Like where’s his fountain of youth. Super strong, Jeffrey seemingly has the ability to go on forever leaving folks more than half is age huffing and puffing. He’s sort of raising the bar for the rest of us. Here are our questions, complete with Jeffrey’s replies:

When not guiding, Jeffrey is doing what he feels is best for his neighbors and his community.
Questions for Jeffrey…
Q: You’ve left your mid-70s behind you and you’re still hiking strong. To what do you attribute this to?
A: It is difficult to say. There are myriad answers to that question. I like to say good genes and I’ve tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet. I also firmly believe that a positive mental presence has also contributed to it. You only go around once in this life and I want to live it to the fullest.
Looking good, Jeffrey!
Q: You like to take families out, particularly if they have kids in the mix. Why is that?
A: As a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, I have always been tuned to promoting outdoor activities thru those around me, both young and old. I love seeing the bonding and interaction between parents and their children on the trails. I enjoy teaching about nature and the benefits of protecting the environment; it all starts at an early age. I just completed a Washington summit with my son and grandson and it was wonderful to spend those few hours alone enjoying the two things on this earth that I am passionate about: family and the outdoors.
A recent photo of Jeffrey showing off one of his favorite mountains to his son and grandson. This was Jeffrey’s 96th summit.
Q: Any lofty hiking goals on your RADAR… besides topping 100 summits on Mt Washington?
A: After completing my 100th Washington summit (very soon), I want to concentrate more on the lesser known peaks and trails. I have done the classic NH 48 many, many times and feel there is so much more out there to experience. Too many hikers are fixated on doing the 48 and fail to experience other trails, sort of “not seeing the forest for the trees” as the saying goes. In fact, one of my favorite trails involves moderate elevation gain but plenty of walking thru some beautiful forests and a pond.
Jeffrey with a recent guest battling some serious winds.
And: Jeffrey added this:
I also want to take this opportunity to thank Mike and Redline Guiding for affording me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people from all over the world. Be it a five Hut-to-Hut in the Whites or a one mile walk around beautiful Lost Pond with a gentleman from Texas with his autistic son, it’s been a wonderful five years with Redline and I look forward to the next five.
This photo has been our Facebook cover for years. This hiker from Germany was enjoying the Whites with Jeffrey. His expression says it all.
Thank you for your continued service, Jeffrey. We look forward to continuing our work together.