This hike was originally scheduled for a Friday but our guests had requested a last minute change to Tuesday due to the Friday-in-question’s forecast. We were agreeable to this — we always try our best — and our team was likewise willing and able. Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak, for example, despite hiking Mt Washington on Monday (his 89th) and being scheduled for another on Wednesday, agreed to the change so as to accommodate this returning family of five. Also flexible was Redline Guide Liam Cooney who was co-leading on this trip.
We all met at the entrance to Zealand Road and then caravanned to the Sugarloaf trailhead a short distance down the road. It was an absolutely perfect storm (in a good way) of a hike. The three fourteen year old boys kept up with a steady pace and the parents provided us with an adult’s prospective of the beautiful mountains, streams, and area that we live in. It was a win-win for all. —Jeff
Jeffrey supplied the following photos.

Liam and Jeffrey on the job.

The ladder.

Earned views.

Great views up here.

Yay team!

Jeffrey feeling it.

Summit celebration! Middle Sugarloaf, 2538′ — this mountain is on the 52 With A View list.

Refreshing times on the way out.
Good job, team, and to our returning family… thank you for adventuring with us!