A New England family came to us looking for a 3-4 hour half day hike that was just right… meaning not too easy, and not too hard — a Goldilocks hike. Views were also requested, but they didn’t want to try out one of the common, often crowded peaks (can’t blame them). They wanted something special. These criteria are fairly typical so this was easy. We really know these mountains, having literally hiked all of the trails described in the White Mountain Guide Book, so we chose Pine Mountain from the Pinkham B Road end. For those who don’t know, this beautiful and deserving mountain was recently added to New Hampshire’s 52 With A View list.
In lead for this trip was Redline Guides Ken Hodges and Mike Cherim. The guides met the family at our Basecamp, checked everyone’s temperature and blood oxygen saturation levels, basically doing due diligence as it concerns Covid-19, then headed out. Here are some photos of the day… but first we need to get that “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog” tune out of our heads. This last part is inside humor just for the family.

Fast forward to Ledge Trail.

Starting to get up there. Pretty.

Shadow man takes a photo on one of the lower ledges.

The view of Mts Washington (left) and Madison is awesome.

Panning left (to the south) we can see Pinkham Notch, Carter Notch, Carter Dome, part of the Carter Range, and the Wildcats.

The clan’s matriarch ascending the final steep ledge.

The family enjoying a break on the memorial bench carved into the rock. The photo excludes one minor that couldn’t be photographed.

Doctor Evil…

…and his silly sidekick.

No signs forbade us from visiting Chapel Rock so we did.

We hope and pray that it is an allowable move (we know there is confusion or controversy on this party — to be cleared up soon).
Great lead, team, and to the awesome guests, congratulations… 51 peaks to go. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.