We will often ask a zillion questions, probe and prod, all for the sake of trying to learn the vibe of the day and gain an understanding of the experience through the eyes of our guides and guests. The purpose of which is to capture that vibe in words, photos, and even video sometimes. Other times, however, it’s better and easier to let our guides tell in their own words. For us to laze in the sun, so to speak… to coin a vibe. That’s what we have going on here. What follows is the telling of the events of the day by Redline Guide Mike Maciel. Enjoy.
The Return of Coachella & Krispie, Plus Two
We love it when our guests come back, as any business should. It’s not like we are selling coffee (although one of us does do that). We work hard to put together personalized experiences for everyone that comes to us whether it be for adventure, education, or something else from our bag of tricks (weddings, portering, pack rescues). The kind words, generous gratuities, positive online reviews, offers to join a post hike drink or meal; it’s all appreciated, but sometimes the best indication that we did our job well might be when someone comes back again.
“Coachella and Krispie” didn’t just come back after their adventure to Thoreau Falls earlier this year. They roadtripped 10+ hours from the Midwest to get back to us. And they brought reinforcements in the form of two of Coachella’s amazing daughters, who she wanted to share the experience of the mountains with. They brought me local beer, homemade cookies, and the day before he even found a housewarming present in his mailbox in the form of a book that had been discussed on their last adventure. Seriously, our guests are awesome.
The goal for this trip was a little different, it was time for their first 4000 footer. Since they would be staying in Franconia, Mt Osceola made sense as the destination for the day with its moderate incline and beautiful summit views. Many a hiker has started their 4K journey in this same spot.
New Hampshire’s recently discovered monsoon season finally relented and took the jet-stream haze with it leaving the group with a perfect hiking day. After lunch 4 out of 5 team members may have even fallen asleep in the warm sun, with my staying semi-alert on lookout as a good guide should, ensuring the snacks were safe.
On the summit we also met Lemon & Lime (pictured below), a creation of Redline Guide Artlette Laan, who has been greatly missed this summer while off on a personal adventure.
By the end of the day there were some slips and sore bodies, but as expected these were far outweighed by the smiles, laughs, and sense of accomplishment. There are even rumors of possible group tattoos.
Upon learning of their first trip to the Whites, Krispie’s physical therapist had tears in her eyes seeing what she was able to accomplish. We can only wonder what the reaction will be this time, seeing the group stand on a 4340-foot mountain summit. —Mike Maciel

Charged and ready!


Horton Hears a Hoo.

Mike discovered New Hampshire.

Mountain nostalgia.

Our guests become trophies of their own accomplishment.

Congratulations on your first 4000-footer.


Sure is nice up here!

Warning: Hiking in NH is addictive.

Great spot to relax.

Oh the hikes this bottle’s been on.

The clouds are special today.

Summit benchmark

L-R: Lime and Lemon, buddies made by Redline Guide Arlette Laan.

Some Zzzzs may have occurred.
Great work, Mike Maciel, and to our guests, thank you for letting Redline Guiding be your passport to hiking adventure!