Wow, right? This was the spot, this was the morning.
With us on this trip were two participants, one a many time returning guest. There were three signed up but unfortunately one became ill the day before and had to opt out. Hopefully next time… we’re told it was worth it. The things the participants seemed to like were the activity, the location, the weather, their instructor, the piping hot tea, and the the entire experience. In other words, they loved it all. So much so, one of the guests wrote the following:
After a beautiful morning hike, Samantha lead us into a meditation integrating the sounds of the birds tweeting and soft breezes. While instructing us on yogic breathing of the cool mountain air, she helped us escape our daily crazy lives and concentrate on the present moment — that type of moment that can only be found in mountains.
Our sun salutations, which I am certain kept any potential rain at bay, faced the most beautiful mountains in New Hampshire. I was shocked at the unrestricted views of so many peaks. Our tree poses stood tall and strong as we were reminded that we are part of this stunning nature.
I loved ending the class with hot delicious spiced chai. It warmed us back up after a relaxing Savasana and energized us for the trip back down. — Yoga Guest
This wonderful testimonial really sums up the type of experience we were hoping to provide to our guests.
The mountain selected was the 2369-foot Black Cap. While there is an east-facing ledge on said mountain to see the rising sun, this is a sunset mountain. We knew this, and the timing, while very early, wasn’t set to take in the actual solar event. The whole idea was to be up there at that time of day. Cool, peaceful, perfect. Here are some photos provided by Sam and one of the guests.

The yoga crew.

Headed up the final slabs toward the top.

Samantha points out some sights.

The summit (elevation 2369′).

While the class was minimally sized, the results and satisfaction were huge!

A lovely location for the trees to stretch out their branches and boughs.

Cool enough that the blankets felt great and the bugs were still sleeping. Yes! And noooo rain!

What a spacious yoga studio where the trees grow wild.

Resistance is measured in ohms. Peace is measured in oms.

We made the tea the night before, but to everyone’s delight it was still piping hot, perfectly sweetened, and just a solid hit.

One perspective. Sam was trying out her new Gossamer Gear pack, the Mariposa 60 (and loving it).
Sounds like a great trip! One we will have to offer again soon!