The original plan was to take on Mt Washington, but the weather on the morning of the hike sort of forced a change of plans. It just wasn’t shaping up to be a good Mt Washington day. What it was shaping up to be, however, was a day for one of the other 4000-footers. Specifically, after due consideration, Redline Guide Pat Ferland decided to lead the visiting father-son duo up Cannon Mountain (4100′). They wanted a challenge and Pat felt that taking the Hi-Cannon Trail up, then, after visiting the summit for some grand views, descending via the Kinsman Ridge Trail down to Lonesome lake would check off the boxes meeting the team’s desire for ruggedness. The scrambles and ladder up, the drop offs, then that crazy KRT descent did it right. The team was satisfied and they could feel that they had a full day. Literally.

Fun way this way.

Going up.

Chutes and Ladders.

This is good!

Sweet summit success! Congratulations!

The KRT gnar.

The clouds thin, Franconia Ridge comes into view.

Lonesome Lake.
Good lead, Pat. Great job one and all. Thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding!