The Northern Cascades’ Mt Baker trips we had scheduled for June were postponed because of the coronavirus. They are now scheduled to run in 2021. In the meantime, however, the team is staying in shape and working on their friendships. As part of this training/bonding effort, the team just took on the infamous Huntington Ravine. In lead for this hike were Redline Guides Ken Hodges and Nico Dubois. In typical fashion, the members of the team were suitably impressed by the ravine and pretty stoked to have climbed in one piece. It was perfect. It always is.
As is so typical, Mt Washington was socked in and windy — the clouds wouldn’t break until later. The crazy weather helped them decide, though, to not bother getting the summit and instead to check out the Alpine Garden and all it has to offer. Check out these photos of the hike.

The gang’s all ready. Photos by Nico unless otherwise marked.

First glimpse. Their eyes won’t come off if until done.

Getting to Huntington is part of the fun. Guide Ken perched atop this mass of talus.

Leaving the Fan behind.

Inching toward the start.

That boulder is awkward to step around leaving one out of balance albeit briefly.

Getting up there.

Putting it behind them.

A guest photo with Nico in it (upper-left). A happy, smiling team.

A brief exploration (Ken was careful to make sure everyone rock-hopped).

Starting across the Alpine Garden.

Closing in on the end.

Dropping into Tuckerman Ravine.
Great job, Ken and Nico, and to Team Baker… heck yeah, guys. Way to do it. Thanks, as always, for choosing Redline Guiding.