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Cathedral Ledge Wedding

Jon and Madi — Married September 19th, 2019

The sky began to get lighter in the east, then colors started to reveal themselves as the low sun crept closer to the horizon forcing its brilliance through our atmosphere. This created an otherworldly, Martian-like alpenglow. Before long the sun rose over Hurricane Mountain and kissed the ledge with its sunlight.

It was stunningly beautiful — shaping up to be a fantastic day. A great one for a wedding in the mountains. The bride and groom of this wedding chose Cathedral Ledge at our suggestion for their sunrise service and it was as described above. They loved it!

Below are a few photographs of their magical marriage moments that we can share, posted here with permission.

Good morning, sunshine.

Sun kisses rock.

Here comes the bride and groom.

Such a pretty place.

A natural pulpit.

The groom enters.

And so does the bride, photographer in tow.

You may kiss.

Congratulations Madi and Jon. May all your mornings together be equally blessed.

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