Meet Bear Repellent.

It wasn’t always easy for her, nor for Redline Guides Arlette Laan and Ryan Mcguire who led her on a couple of sections. With us she was able to finally complete the notoriously rough Mahoosuc Range — she needed from Route 2 in Gorham to Carlo Col. This she did with Arlette and her sweet trailside demeanor, offering encouragement and patience as needed. She also needed Wildcat Ridge and the Carter-Moriah Range. For these she was led and encouraged by Ryan. She loved them both.
They traveled five to six miles a day northbound in the Mahoosucs — that’s where things began — intentionally keeping things short and manageable going from tentsite to tentsite. This was until the end when Bear Repellent decided to go for it and hike all the way out Carlo Col Trail instead of spending the final night at camp allowing for a more rested exit the following morning. Arlette agreed to it, but in hindsight that day ended up being more than what was ideal. Nonetheless they killed it. Since she had already hiked from Carlo Col north, those pesky Mahoosucs were done!

Arlette and Bear Repellent in the Mahoosucs.
Then came the rains. It didn’t last. The storm came then it went and eventually the sun took over and it turned into a nice day, albeit very hot and humid. That’s where the plan began to unravel. The rain was okay, the sun, heat, and humidity, coupled with that first-thing-in-morning climb up to Carter Dome via the Carter-Moriah Trail, however, killed her momentum. They weren’t out there to break FKTs (fastest known times), but the pace began to slow, she “wasn’t feelin’ it,” to the point that making Imp Campsite — their next planned stop — wasn’t going to be possible. Not only did they need to get there early enough to secure their place for the night, they needed to do it safely. In daylight. This didn’t seem possible. At Zeta Pass the team decided to retreat down 19 Mile Brook Trail. Mike met them at the trailhead to give the team a ride back to Ryan’s vehicle parked at Pinkham Notch. As Mike hugged Bear Repellent she exclaimed that she wasn’t a wuss. Mike looked at her with awe, then nodded and smiled. He already knew this fact about her innerly hoping that he would still be ambulatory when he’s 71.

Ryan and Bear Repellent crossing the North Fork.
Some people spend their retirement years and their savings on shuffleboard cruises for seniors. Nothing wrong with that, we suppose. Each to their own. Bear Repellent decided that her retirement years would be spent hiking, though, finishing the Appalachian Trail. Honestly, choosing between that over being sedentary, if it’s possible, is the way to go.
Scenes from the Mahoosuc Range…

Certain abstract views may make the Mahoosucs appear easy, even relaxing.

Random scenes from the Mahoosuc Range portion of her experience with us.

More random scenes from the Mahoosuc Range portion of her experience with us.

More random scenes from the Mahoosuc Range portion of her experience with us.

More random scenes from the Mahoosuc Range portion of her experience with us.

More random scenes from the Mahoosuc Range portion of her experience with us.

The awe and majesty of the Mahoosuc Range. Breathtaking in more ways than one.
And, yes, there are some post-Mahoosuc photos as well…

The view from part way up Wildcat Ridge. Here looking northerly into Pinkham Notch.

The view from part way up Wildcat Ridge. Here looking southerly out of Pinkham Notch.

The Rampart chokes Carter Notch, full of talus from the flanks of Carter Dome. Impressive.

Atop Carter Dome, one of our beloved “4000-footers.”
An unforeseen change…

The unexpected exit via 19 Mile Broom Trail. Please note the size of her pack! Definitely not a wuss.
Scenes from the next day…

Starting out a new section, the east end of Ethan Pond Trail.

The North Fork of the Pemigewasset River. They make it as far as Thoreau Falls before returning. More AT, done!
Great job, Arlette and Ryan! And Bear Repellent, you are awesome, and not a wuss. Congratulations on what you were able to accomplish during your visit, and thank you for choosing Redline Guiding to help you get it done.