It started this past weekend with the first of two women’s-only backpacks led by Redline Guide Arlette Laan. On this trip Arlette decided to take our returning guest into the Wild River Wilderness so as to provide a very authentic wilderness experience. As the Gilligan’s Island theme song went…
No phone, no lights, no motor car
not a single luxury
like Robinson Crusoe,
it’s primitive as can be.
…was how it was. And that is part of what makes it all so special. Check out these photos that Arlette took.

Mud can be part of the wilderness experience. There was mud. And bugs at no extra charge.

Knowing how to cross rivers is all that.

So beautiful.

The owner, Mike, finished redlining at this very spot. Note that guide Ken Hodges maintains this trail.

The team reached a tentsite, took a break, the. continued on toward a secondary location .

Guide Arlette sporting one of our new Buffs (get yours today).

A washed out section of trail. Old storm damage.

Home sweet home.

Arlette’s sock dolls, Heather and Lizzie, take lead on navigation.

First mud and bugs, then they enjoyed a brief hail storm. What’s next? Locusts?!

This is leaving no trace! Well done!

The efforts were rewarded with the serenity of the sport, and the prolific lady’s slipper flowers. Over all it was an excellent time.
Great job, Arlette and well done, team. Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.