It seems like just last week that we were contacted by Elizabeth. She and her fiancé, Tom, she explained wanted to tie the knot. Moreover, they wanted to do it on a mountain top or something really cool and magical like that. After some conversation, gauging drive distances and such — as they were located in Lebanon, NH — we suggested the 2605-foot Welch Mountain. This peak is accessed first when taking the recommended counter-clockwise direction on the well-known Welch-Dickey Loop. Welch Mountain was equidistant so as to minimize everyone’s driving, it’s a pretty mountain, and the east-facing ledges would provide a beautiful setting.
They loved the idea. It was short notice, but we loved it, too. The plan was to meet at the trailhead at 5:00 am. We were there 45 minutes early but had a sleeping bag and planned to sleep the time away. It was a good plan. Liz and Tom showed up a little later than expected, but soon we were all on trail. Being that this wasn’t a guided hike, once the paperwork was checked we went at our own pace making the summit in about an hour. We weren’t alone. Also up there, starting even earlier, was a photographer named Cate they hired out of Woodstock.
It was a beautiful, amazing wedding. The lovely couple laced the ceremony and vows with their own special touches. One, the lighting of a sacred candle, was really lovely. Every year they plan to re-light this candle in honor of this day and their commitment to one another. It’s the sort of thing we wish we thought of.
Here are some photos of the morning…

We begin at the beginning.

A familiar sight to some.

The Tripyramids silhouetted by the rising sun. Beautiful.

Here come my newlyweds-to-be. Look at those smiles!

Boom, like clockwork. Here comes the sun.

They bring wedding wear on the mountain.

All in the family. With Liz and Tom is their rescue dog, Harrison (good boy).

Nervousness, pure emotion, deep love…

On both of their faces.

Liz brought her bouquet.

A lovely tradition begins (photobombed by Harrison).

The newlyweds. Been married a minute or so. We are extremely pleased to be part of this.

Taking in the moment. We understand.



Precious moments.

Photographer Cate at work.

Cate creates a likely series with the couple. We join in on the fun.

JP Mike feeling official.

Harrison feeling adopted.

Welch Mountain as seen from Dickey. What an amazing venue.
Congratulations Liz and Tom. May you light many, many candles in your future.