Knowing how to find one’s way to the top of all of New Hampshire’s 4000-footers is one thing (and a fine accomplishment, to be clear), but here at Redline Guiding the knowledgebase we draw from goes well above and beyond the norm. We’ve got a kick-butt team… hiking machines. Two of the team have hiked all the trails. We mean that literally. At heart we’re all dyed-in-the-wool hikers — “redliners” — and as White Mountains hiking guides, this extensive knowledge of these mountains is an invaluable resource for safety reasons as well as simply offering above-average experiences to our guests.
How invaluable a resource? Well, to drive this point home even further, the same two Redline Guides that completed redlining the 29th edition of the Appalachian Mountain Club’s (AMC) White Mountain Guide, Bill Robichaud and Redline Guiding owner Mike Cherim, are also acknowledged in the just-released 30th edition of the aforementioned book. Between their boots-on-the-ground feedback, trip reports, and photos, the two (along with many friends and acquaintances also listed… see photo) have verified and reported on many, many miles of trails.

Shameless self-promotion? You bet. We are both honored and delighted to be listed in this bible of the Whites.