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Everything Weather

There’s a saying about the weather in New Hampshire that goes like this: “If you don’t like it, wait a minute.” We suspect this is spoken in other parts of the country, too, but we’ll claim it as our own. Throw the mountains into the mix and it really gets wild. The forecast for this Mt Washington hike called for a slight chance of showers, cooler […]

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Prep for Everest Basecamp

People often seek us out when they are prepping for bigger things. The come looking for relevant classes, or some mountain time, or both. Case in point: a recent testimonial from a couple thanked us for helping them prepare to take on Gran Paradiso in Italy and Mt Blanc in France. And it’s not the first time, to be sure. Being just a tiny part of […]

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Two Sisters on #48

You know what’s better than finishing your 48 4000-footers list? Doing it with someone you love. Case in point: two sisters crushing it to completion on Mt Isolation (4004′). On point for this trip was Redline Guide Chase Hall. Aside from enjoying the company of his guests and sharing in their celebration, they also saw a moose on trail! Gotta love that. Here’s Chase’s summary. Today […]

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“It Was a Good Weekend”

These are the precise words used by Redline Guide Arlette Laan to describe the intro-style women’s-only backpacking adventure that occurred this past weekend. It’s a mere five words, true, but it was a solid declaration. It stood in its own. This trip was the second-to-last Hiking Buddies trip of the season. The next one is to be held on August 24th-25th. The reason we’re being so […]

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Seeking Isolation

The title doesn’t speak of one looking for solitude, but rather it refers to a squat 4000-footer called Mt Isolation (4004′) located on the Montalban Ridge which stretches southward from Mt Washington. It’s a popular mountain to those who have hiked to its summit before. And for others who haven’t yet been, it’s a necessary mountain. In some cases, both adjectives — popular and necessary — […]

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SKT: Slowest Known Time

For a quite a while Redline Guide Mike Maciel has been the guide (read: friend/coach/companion) on demand for guidance and oversight on one older gentleman’s quest to complete New Hampshire’s 48 4000-footers. In this post we will cover two more mountains from that list: Owls Head Mtn (4029′) and Mt Carrigain (4680′) — numbers 46 and 47, respectfully. Yes, he’s almost done. One peak remains, Mt […]

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The Views Count

Most hiking lists in this region are satisfied by summiting something, but not all. Some lists are all about the trails — either hiking all the trails, or just the terrifying ones — or all about the views. Case-in-point: The 52 With-A-View list. While most of the objectives covered by this list are indeed mountain summits, some only require one make it to the primary viewpoint. […]

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Like Mountain Goats

While we had a presence in Franconia Notch — a team climbing to The Watcher — and a Presidential Traverse was in the making, Redline Guide Chase Hall was also leading a trip. This one to the summit of Mt Washington — the tallest peak in the northeast. All of these luckily (and unplanned) taking advantage of some sublime mountain weather. What follows is Chase’s recap […]

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Crushing the Presi

One of our guests had signed up for this past winter’s overnight adventure at the Mt Washington Observatory (MWOBS), but something came up that interrupted these plans and our guest was given a credit to use later. Fast forward to later — to now — and the credit was applied to something just as cool and perhaps a bit more personal. A self-challenge: a one-day Presidential […]

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Eye on the Watcher

That hike up the slide is worthy of anything on the Terrifying 25 list! —Ken Hodges A returning guest reached out hoping to climb The Watcher and asked for Redline Guide Ken Hodges with whom she’d hiked with on earlier guided trips. For those who don’t know, The Watcher, also known as the “Old Lady of the Mountain” — which lives on the east side of […]

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Approaching 60%

A many time returning guest returned once again. As per his usual, our guest, working on his GRID (hiking all the 4000-footers, every month of the year, which equals 576 summits) sought his regular guide/companion Redline Guide Chase Hall. The objective on this day was to get our guest three peaks closer to his goal. The peaks were the trio on the Willey Range, specially Willey, […]

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On the Bucket List

Some people glance out their window toward Mt Washington remarking on how it looks, so rugged and alpine. A mountain’s mountain if there ever was one and the tallest in the Northeast. And Mt Washington is special, unique in myriad ways; a record maker and breaker known for its crazy weather, to be sure. And for many, it really is worthy of a person’s bucket list […]

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