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In the Face of Fear

Sometimes we require rope and other gear to get ourselves up the mountain. This stuff, we know, helps protect us. Usually, however, it’s not needed, we realize, but knowing it is there is a huge relief lending confidence as well as covering the what-ifs. And having confidence is a huge boost that sends us toward completing our goals without failing or falling, without actually needing the rope and other gear.

Now, in this case, let’s substitute “rope and other gear” with Redline Guide Arlette Laan. Tasked with something she is familiar with, like hiking most of the trails in the White Mountains, Arlette exudes an earned confidence. And it’s catchy. For a guest to watch her deftly and expertly scramble up something terrifying with total confidence reveals what is possible. And knowing that, and seeing just how easy it is, apparently, is a huge help in inspiring confidence in oneself. Before you realize it the task at hand is done and the confidence is now earned. Next time will be a breeze. What follows is a more detailed summary of the hike provided by Arlette along with some gorgeous photos.

Feeling Your Fear and Doing it Anyway

The Presidential peaks are challenging. But if you want to summit all 48 4000 Footers on the list you have to face the challenge. Some trails are a little tougher, however, Caps Ridge Trail being one of them. The three rocky ‘Caps’ are exposed and require some scrambling. But it is the shortest way to Mount Jefferson (5713’/1741m). My guest wasn’t too fond of heights and exposure but the forecast called for a gorgeous day above treeline so she decided she would face her fears. With me as the guide and ‘safety net’ she felt secure enough to get out of her comfort zone and, together, we made it safely to the summit. As it was such a beautiful day and going down Caps Ridge didn’t appeal to her, we continued south and took Jewell Trail down. This gave her a good idea of what some of the other trails in the northern Presis would be like which was useful for a possible Presidential Traverse in the future.
We made good time on the downhill and soon met up with the car we spotted at the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail trailhead. What a gorgeous day and congrats to our guest for overcoming her fears and getting another 4000-footer done! —Arlette


Great job Arlette and Team. To our guest, congratulations and thank you for once again choosing Redline Guiding!

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