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More Education Posts?

We hardly ever post on our blog about our Educational classes. There’s not even a category for it, at least at the time of this writing. We’ve been stuffing them, when we do produce then, under the Trips category like the many Adventures we write about. It’s not the best call on our part, thinking from a search engine’s perspective, we should buckle down and write about every class, but from an entertainment perspective we think writing about the classes gets old fast thanks to the sameness of them. Not unique may be construed as boring. We don’t want that. Unless, that is, we go completely off the rails in our dialog as we’ve done here. It’s one way to counter boring! And possibly entertaining?!

In any case, back to the subject at hand, the images below were from a recent Wilderness Navigation class taught by Redline Guide and instructor Mike Cherim. It was a one-on-one class offering the student the best possible chance of complete comprehension. We think it worked. The student was super sharp and seemed to catch on very quickly. Map and compass is weird being simple and complex at the same time.

Well done, sir! Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding for your educational needs.

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