That’s what two returning guests wanted to do — they wanted to take a quick break from hiking and learn how to do some rock climbing. Inasmuch, they booked a one-day Rock Intro course learning things like climber’s safety, crag etiquette, belaying, communication, relevant knots and hitches, and of course, the fundamentals of climbing itself. This was done while on top-rope for safety, naturally, making sure big falls — a.k.a. “whippers” — aren’t possible. The instructor for this educational course was Redline Guide Pat Ferland. The plan was originally to climb in the North Conway area, but there were occasional sprinkles in the air so Pat decided to instead bring them over to Jockey Cap in Fryeburg, Maine. What follows are a few photos of the day provided by both Pat and our guests. Thank you!

Tie-in check.

Specialized knowledge of climbing anchors a must.

On belay.

Great views are earned.

Top management bringing up a climber.

Great day for it.

Scaling the crag’s face.

Climbing! Climb on!