Talk about summiting in style! Look at this team!
We love it when our guests are guided up the 6288′ Mt Washington and one of the things they remark about after is how awesome the weather was. It tickles us because it’s a bit ironic that the mountain’s notorious for its horrible weather, yet it is capable of producing such joy. We also love it on days like this with limited views because it reveals our guests’ appreciation for the cool fog and otherworldly charm the mountain chose to share with them. On the phone afterward our guests told us they had an amazing experience taking the Ammo up and the Jewell Trail down — though those last miles and all those rocks… well, they will feel it for a couple days.
So what’s any of this have to do with engineering? Nothing, other than that the two women in the group were engineers and that is what Redline Guide Dominic Torro does as his side hustle. They had some good conversation as a result of this commonality, we heard.
Dominic took some photos of their trip, shown here.

A highly polished gem pool. Precious.

This is sort of like Earth.

Some animals call this home. Some animals just visit.

Mt Monroe lies to the south, but the team heads north to the “Rock Pile.”

After a quick stop at the Lakes of the Clouds hut.

The team visits one of the two lakes that makes up the Lakes of the Clouds.

Perfect photo op. The mountain is up and to their left over a mile away.

Dominic safely guided our guests into an almost featureless landscape.

The team gets closer, climbs higher.

And in the end, they get it done.

The team heads north toward the Jewell Trail.

Peeking into the Great Gulf — the location of a recent tour.

Soon the team will drop back below treeline for the long hike out.