She called us from Alaska of all places, hoping to visit New Hampshire and check out what we had to offer, maybe do some Hiking or have a bit of a Nature Tour. She planned to bring a friend with her, she advised. Another hiker from Alaska, we thought, but no. Her friend wasn’t really into hiking (yet), and she was from Florida of all places. Well, this should be fun.
On assignment for this trip was Redline Guide Ken Hodges who had them in his charge for two days. On day one he brought them up the Mt Washington Auto Road, as planned, to traverse the Alpine Garden. They did so as an out-and-back from the “Cow Pasture.” They did it that way, as you’ll see in the photos, because the weather was pretty awful/normal. Despite the weather, however, as you’ll also see in the photos, they had a good time. On day two Ken brought them to Mt Willard for more hiking, some earned rewards, and then followed that up with a tour to Ripley Falls in Crawford Notch. Ken took a few photos along the way, as follows:
Day One…

Starting out, the weather could be better.

Made it across!

Obligatory summit photo.
Day Two…

Could there be some special meaning here? Hmmm.

Great views make the hike up worth it.

Ripley Falls was flowing nicely.
Great job one and all. Thank you for triangulating in New Hampshire with Redline Guiding!