Referred from another guest, “Dr. Gadget” — an experienced hiker getting back to work on her winter list (after sustaining and hiking out on a tibial fracture from Mt Fort two years ago) — came to us hoping for a companion to hike the 4780-foot Mt Eisenhower with. A shakedown. Dr. Gadget, in case you’re wondering, is her nickname. You may also be wondering what bearing it may have on this story. Well, the answer, we admit, is none, but with such a cool nickname, how could we not somehow employ it? The real story here, however, is the awesome hike, the awesome mountain, and the awesome weather which helped make it all so… well, awesome. On lead for this trip was Redline Guide Ken Hodges. You may have heard of him. From the perspective on our guest, it probably seemed like everyone they ran into knew Ken or Redline Guiding. But it was more than just her perspective, Ken actually mentioned it. It’s a small world out there. Here are some photos of it.

It’s warming up, but winter may still be found.

Trail marker in the making, lol.

That pack! Dr Gadget IS one of the cool kids.

Viewpoint selfie.

Viewpoint view.

Dr Gadget’s 30th winter 4000-footer. Congratulations! We know what drive and commitment is require to work that winter list.

Sharp looking crew!

See? It’s AWESOME!

Like another planet.
Great job one and all. Thank you for choosing to adventure with Redline Guiding.