We’re pleased to announce that Will Murphy has joined Redline Guiding’s family of guides. We’ve known Will for a while through our volunteer association in Search and Rescue and we know he has the right temperament and personality: a great mix of hard and soft skills. And a love of the mountains.
Will just needs to get his medical certifications in order, earning his WFR — but that is scheduled to happen sooner rather than later so stay tuned (we will announce it in our blog and on social media).
We’re really stoked as Will can tackle some hiking and backpacking, training and climbs up Mt Washington, single- and multi-day Presidential traverses, backcountry skiing, and more. Stay tuned for more info about that “and more,” as well. For now, however check out Will’s bio, below, and note some of the cool things he’s done here and abroad. Some pretty cool stuff.

Primed and ready to share his passion.
Introduction: Will, of Whitefield, NH, grew up hiking and generally being outdoors at an early age. His first substantial hike was done at the age of eight, completing the fifty-mile Connecticut segment of the Appalachian Trail with his family. Other “early age” hikes followed including after graduating 8th grade, completing a 26 mile hike solo in two days. Will has regarded a healthy outlook and active, daily participation in life as vital to taking on new challenges and being “ready.” To that end, he has run regularly for many years and maintains a regular fitness schedule. Will has participated in Spartan Beast races since 2013, several running races (5k to Half-Marathon) and impromptu trail runs. When not doing these things, Will can be found backcountry skiing, ice climbing or rock climbing, or enjoying espresso!
Résumé: Will began Mountaineering activities in 1995 while on assignment in California. A visit to Yosemite and Mt Shasta invited a desire for higher summits and unique and beautiful landscapes. Yosemite Rim hike, Half Dome and other experiences in the area. Four trips to Mt Shasta (14,160′) with two successful summit from the Hotlum-Bolam route. One trip to Mt Whitney (14495′) with a successful summit on the standard route. Three trips to Mt Rainier (14,410′) on the Disappointment Clever route with one successful summit. Ascent of Mt Adams (12,276′ in Washington) in one day. Several successful Canadian Rockies summits: Athabasca (11453′) on Standard route; Andromeda (11318′) on Skyladder route; Haddo Peak (10073′) on Aberdeen Glacier/Southwest Ridge route; and Stanley Peak (10351′) on the Stanley Couloir. Also, Will has hiked all 48 4000-footers in New Hampshire, has 25+ years experience backcountry skiing in VT, NH and NY, and he extensively rock and ice climbed in NH.
Certifications: AIARE Avalanche Level 1, Androscoggin Valley Search and Rescue (AVSAR), BoD Member and Winter Below Treeline Team. More certifications coming soon.