We’ve taken out families with kids-in-tow on hikes before, though having just the kids was a first for us, but we were eager to get involved. The family — returning guests — wanted a half day hike with some items of interest for their grandchildren, ages 10 and 14. This was an easy one, and it was in the front of our minds thanks to a recent hike there. Items of interest meant to us a view, a cool trail, maybe even an old iron mine. They agreed. It was that last item, however, that really sparked their intrigue. They wanted Iron Mountain. And due to logistics the kids were also able to ride a Class 6 Road in Redline Guide Mike Cherim‘s open Jeep Wrangler (albeit with masks on). Fun! They got their views, their cool trail, and they got their iron mine — complete with finding a stash of foreign coins inside the mine shaft. But you know what? By the end of the adventure we realized it was the views that really stole the show for these two boys. They were blown away by the receding layers of mountains being consumed by the mist of distance. They loved it. Although one member of the team took to the hike more readily than the other, both boys handled everything thrown at them and they made it in time for pickup so nobody had to start worrying. They both seemed to have a real appreciation for being out there. So while there may have been some brief moments of struggle, with one having to dig deep — type two fun, for him — we have a feeling they will both be back in the future looking to do more, or maybe even up their game.

How’s this for a trailhead view?

Our guests enjoying the first outlook view.

It’s worthy.

Pretty forest.

Lovely trail.

So peaceful and quiet.

This is what they’re after.

Mike dares the kids to walk to the end without turning on their headlamps. To see how far they can get.

They make it all the way in the pitch black, then finally turn their lights on.

They then hike back up and go to the outloook. The kids love the view.

Pretty impressive.
Congratulations guys, you did it! Thanks for adventuring with Redline Guiding.