Zachary and Lana — Married August 18th, 2020.
The service was short and very sweet, very romantic… love was in the air. Afterward the bride and groom stuck around for photos while our JP, Mike Cherim, changed back into street clothes (read: hiking clothes), and jogged back down the mountain, suit slung over his shoulder in a garment bag. Unfortunately for the couple, just as Mike got back to his Jeep — marriage license safe and sound — the skies opened up and it rained. There is no doubt, they had to have gotten caught in it. But, as we always tell couples when this has the potential to happen that a wet knot is extremely difficult if not downright impossible to untie. They’re joined for life.

This photo fails to capture just how rough and steep this short trail is.

What a terrific viewpoint.

The bride prepares her dress — tucked up underneath — on one side of a boulder…

…while the groom prepares himself on the other side of the boulder.

The rings.

The radiant bride walks down the “aisle.”

The couple prepared some readings for themselves. First it was he to recite…

Then she. Struggling to hold back tears of joy, the bride reads her prepared text.

You may now kiss the bride.

Congratulations on your wedding, and thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.