We know the best way to give back is to roll up your sleeves and actually do it. Thanks to all so-willing.
Our Third Annual Trails Day was a success, though not without its challenges. Covid-19, for example, forced a significant delay. Time was needed for people to learn how to deal with this thing. Finally, though, with safety pushed way out in front, we got the day done. Three years in a row now. Thank you so much, everyone: The United States Forest Service, Saco District, for starters helping us help them — with a strong emphasis on safety. They take this very seriously, as do we. The person in charge of this, Bailey, is so generous and helpful, and always trying to make our day as interesting as it is rewarding. If the sense of obligation isn’t enough to guarantee our return year after year, the fun we have totally does the trick. Also helping us make this so was Andy of the NH Trailworkers group and some members of The Obnoxious Hikers group (which Andy started years ago). Also helping us make things fun was Ari of Ridj-it who helped secure free beer from Tuckerman Brewing Company.
Looks like we thanked everyone running the show, but we still need to share the most important thank you of them all — the one that goes to the volunteers out there doing the actual work in the sweltering heat and stifling humidity. Let’s start with several USFS staff — Rheanna, Nick, Drew, and Deanna — who rolled up their sleeves, even of their day off. And then there are other individuals beside Andy and Bailey, (Ari was there is spirit), there were Redline Guides Mike Cherim and Ken Hodges, and others: Julia, Jim, Phoebe, Steve and Holly (like Mike and Andy, they haven’t missed one yet), Denise, James, and Melissa.
The trail work performed was on Mountain Pond Loop Trail (to which Mike is the volunteer adopter) and consisted of five main tasks. First the USFS crew, chainsaws in hand, took care of two remaining large blowdowns (for a total of 19 on this trail this year alone). The second task was to brush out large sections of trail. This is such tedious work, but results are stunning and so worth it. The third task was to cleanup around the shelter. Number four was to find and cull a specific species of invasive plant. The final task was to improve drainage of certain areas. The most vexing was a large mud pit without any rocks to hop on thus not facilitating easy passage. The vexing part of it was that the trees and terrain didn’t really allow us to drain it. The solution: We relocated that section of trail now skirting the pit altogether. The old trail very effectively blocked allowing the new section to be instantly and automatically used by hikers. Check out some of the photos:

Clean and fresh and ready to rock and roll.

The team rallies at the trailhead, tools are passed out.

The team moving out.

Lovely section of trail. Need to get the bypass photo on the way out.

Ahh, Mountain Pond.

One of the two large blowdowns that the team took care of.

Nicely brushed out section.

Love it.

Headed back out.

Some volunteers worked by the hut cleaning out the fire pit and more.

Taking the new by-pass.

We thoroughly brushed in the old mud pit section, our bypass to the left (when going in).
We know the best way to give back is to roll up your sleeves and actually do it. Thanks to all so-willing.