Frank and Jennifer — Married September 21st, 2019
A marriage ceremony is a solemn event, a serious thing… so please refrain from laughter. Unless, that is, you’re the bride and groom who even on your wedding day spark lively with your irreverence. To you, dear couple, you may carry on. For you, dear couple, you will be unstoppable. That’s what we saw at Frank and Jennifer’s wedding atop Square Ledge in Pinkham’s Grant (Pinkham Notch). While most couples get very serious during their wedding, this couple couldn’t contain their laughter. Their glee was contagious. Everyone laughed as the ceremony went on. And why not, right? It’s a good thing, a good time, so it should be fun. So while most people are powerless, frozen by the intensity of the moment, often weeping (that’s done mostly by the men), Frank and Jennifer merely laughed, smiles beaming, eyes twinkling. This is love.

Nice entry to the ledge.

What a great place for a wedding.

What a riot of color! Already!

This is one fun couple!
Congratulations Frank and Jennifer — may all your days together be filled with your laughter.