We write most of these Trip Report posts based information we get from our guides, our guests, or sometimes both. Sometimes we are provided with such rich content, that we can simply edit and re-post their notes and call it a day. This is such the case now where Redline Guide Arlette Laan provided such a great summary of her wilderness-like backpack in the Kilkenny Forest, we decided to simply re-post it below:
After spotting a car at the Unknown Pond Trail at Mill Brook Road we headed over to South Pond Recreation Area where a van with kids pulled up. I asked where they were headed. “Rogers Ledge Testsite,” was the answer. Since we didn’t want to camp with 16 kids or could fathom having enough room for everyone we changed our plan to hike to Unknown Pond Testsite instead. It would add two miles to our day but we felt we were up for it. We could only hope the predicted rain would hold off long enough. On our way to the ledge I heard an animal crushing a branch and alerted the ladies. A moose! It was the juvenile we’d been seeing footprints from. How cool!
We enjoyed a fairly bug free breezy lunch break on Rogers Ledge and checked out the tent site below. It wasn’t occupied yet but the thought of the group of kids made us stick to our plan. We pushed on. It started to sprinkle on the last climb but we stayed fairly dry even with all the tall vegetation. Two hikers passed us. Otherwise we had the trail to ourselves. It was mostly dry when we set up our tents which was great because it gave us the time to check out all the features and do a taut set up. We had dinner at the designated site and with light rain but under a tree sampled some meal options. Maybe that Pad Thai wasn’t so great after all.
Once we were all settled in our tents for the night the rain started and it downpoured for most of the night. By morning it was mostly dry and we were able to pack up our wet tents at our leisure. Breakfast was enjoyed and we headed out again. We had entertained the idea of going up to The Horn and The Bulge for the 52 With A View list but since there wouldn’t be any views today we nixed that idea. We battled mosquitos on the way out before another downpour started. We were happy we made the decision to just head down to a dry car. The rainy night and day gave us a good opportunity to test out various gear and especially the tents. We had loads of fun and enjoyed this area of the White Mountains while gaining confidence in our skills and gear.
And if that’s not enough, she also provided these images:

Starting out.

Trial by water.

It’s possible we may use the term “trail” pretty loosely here in New Hampshire.

Such a fine, wilderness-like area.

Happiness is a jungle.

Ledge acquired.

Understandably deterred by the prospect of a noisy herd of kids, the team hobble[bush] on.

The lovely Kilback Pond.

We love this area, these bridges, the pond, all of it… so pretty.

Racing the weather they move on leaving Kilback Pond behind them.

See what we mean about these cool bog bridges? Awesome!

Camp is established.

Fast forward to the exit on day two. Great job, everyone!
Great job, Arlette, and to the team, well done and thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.