A reliable hiking buddy is an awesome thing to have, and it is something we provide. Particularly for hikers working on their New England Hundred Highest and other lists. Scar Ridge, Peak Above the Nubble, the Rangley Six Pack, these and others have come up before. This time it’s the 3862′ Vose Spur again. A quick blog search shows how popular it is. With us this time was a returning guest, and leading it was Redline Guide Ken Hodges. The day was gorgeous, the weather a delight offering exquisite breezes. The bushwhack was uneventful in that more and more it is bearing the marks of visitation.

The telltale boulder indicates the turn is close.

Up! There is some heavy lifting required to earn this peak.

Bisecting this talus field yields some satisfying views.

The summit offers the satisfaction of making it there. That’s it, and that’s enough.
Fine lead, Ken. Congratulations to the team, and thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.