We opened our doors on October 17th, 2016. This means we’re one and today is our birthday. A baby, still, but it was quite the year. We fed ourselves, took our first wobbly steps, mostly kept the crap out of our pants, so to speak. We grew, we learned, and during this time we were really able to identify ourselves. We went in with expectations, sure, but we learned it’s not always about what you expect. We figured out who we are — even though we sort of already knew — and embraced ourselves. We learned we are hikers, for hikers. And this fits nicely into the rich guiding history in the Mt Washington Valley. We are also teachers having provided hundreds of hours of training. Much more than we expected.
With now over 100 tours under our belt — many, many classes and tons of adventures — and over 200 bookings (and this doesn’t include the dozens of people taking our SOLO Wilderness First Aid courses), it seems our first year was a rather successful one to say the least. If was fun and exciting. And warming. The amount of love and support made us feel pretty special. Our success, is in fact your success. Without your love and support — without people actually hiring us — we’d be nothing. Thank you. Thank you very much from all of us here at Redline Guiding.