L-R: Chelsea with Lilly, Paige, and Brad.
First of all they were present as two groups today instead of one, and this time Redline Guide Ken Hodges was off doing something else while Jeffrey Shutak and Mike Cherim took lead on these two tours of our wonderful New Hampshire mountains.
Jeffrey guided daughter Chelsea on Mt Washington via a Boott Spur to Lion Head loop, Meanwhile Mike led Brad, Paige and Lilly to the summit of Mt Crawford, located about 14 miles to the south along the Montalban Ridge.
Let’s start with Mike’s tour with the Brad, Paige, and Lilly, then we’ll check out Jeff’s adventure with Chelsea.
Day 3.1: Mt Crawford, Elevation 3119′
Here are some words and photos from Mike:
What an incredible day to be on a mountain. The temperatures were comfortable thanks to overcast skies damping the sun. The mosquitoes made a showing early on, but we literally out-hiked them and they disappeared as quickly as they came. Hiking with the pup, Lilly, was a blast… she’s pretty adorable. Paige and Brad really enjoyed Crawford with its stunning 360-degree views, including Mt Washington. We all waved in that direction knowing that Chelsea was up there. Maybe she was waving back. We capped off our summit stay with some hot tea courtesy of thinking ahead, wanting to make the day as special as possible, and my JetBoil stove (it was a hit). From there we made our way slowly down the mountain. —Mike Cherim

The historic Davis Path is worn and rugged, but still maintains its grade.

First outlook and Paige, Brad, and even Lilly appear to be enjoying it.

Before long we had arrived at the Mt Crawford Spur Trail.

Did we mention the amazing views.

A breathtaking destination to be sure.

After a nice summit lunch, complete with some hot tea, we casually make our way out.
Day 3.2: Mt Washington, Elevation 6288′
And here are some words and photos from Jeff:
It was a great day. We started out with a stop at Crystal Cascade and took a few pictures. Next on to Boott Spur with periodic stops along the way for beautiful views. Met only two people on the trail. Next stop across Davis to the [Bigelow] Lawn. Chelsea could not stop talking about the beautiful mountains and even suggested we should have planned more. She was an excellent hiker and so positive and happy. She did not want the day to end. We summited Washington, took pictures, and headed down via Lion Head Trail, happy and cheerful. We stopped many times to both admire the scenery and take more photos. On the way back to Pinkham Notch we even made one last visit for pictures at the Cascade… a great way to end a perfect day. She is anxious to come back again and do more. We even talked about a Presidential Traverse. —Jeffrey Shutak

Ready to roll… no, we didn’t guide Chelsea up Tuckerman Ravine Trail. We can do better than that.

Instead we opt for Boott Spur Trail. It delivers faster, is less crowded, and more trail-like.

Tuckerman Ravine outlook.

Chelsea enjoying the Bigelow Lawn. The alpine zone is such an amazing place.

On the Washington summit.

Well done Jeffrey (for his 63rd summit) and Chelsea (for her first).