The happy couple: Jake and Meredith.
A wedding on the mountain happened today. Witnessed by nature and all that live in the ravine. Official. Legal. The real deal. And soon to be repeated for show. Jake and Meredith will fly out to Colorado and family and go through the motions for them, white dress and all. But today, June 12th, 2017, on a mountain in New Hampshire (and a big one, at that), two souls became one in an everlasting union.
Good luck and congratulations to Jake and Meredith: two newlyweds, peak baggers, and lovers of mountains. May you have many wonderful years ahead! Keep hiking! And enjoy these select photos of your day:

The bride and groom carefully cross Raymond Cataract.

Our little chapel comes into view (and angels sing).

Jake and Meredith make their way across some remaining snow.

Jake goes ahead to secure the altar.

Meredith is lovely as the smiling bride.

The deed is done and the newlyweds share a moment.

Congratulations to them, now how about you? Wouldn’t you like a wedding like that? To get started… well, just get started.