We offer a number of courses here at Redline Guiding. Some of them are geared toward folks completely new to this fine sport, but not all. Some of our classes will be of benefit to folks who already hike and play outdoors but want to increase their wilderness knowledge or boost their skills. Specifically, these courses are:
Mountaineering Skills: Learn the proper way to safety use crampons and an ice ax, and more related info such as using rope to descend and self arrest. If you winter hike, or plan to, you will encounter ice at some point that will beg for proper crampons. This half-day course focuses on keeping you on your feet while using this equipment. Classes start as soon as we have snow cover. Reserve now.
Wilderness Navigation: Master your map and compass skills for staying on trail, or bushwhacking. The objective is yours to decide. This intensive course will allow you to navigate the backcountry with accuracy and confidence. This half-, full-, or two-day course runs through all non winter seasons but is best in fall: fewer bugs, better sightlines, comfy temps. Current special running on this.
Camp Craft: Be a savvy and prepared backcountry backpacker. Be organized and comfortable. It’s not about roughing it or leaving your mark. If you hike but don’t really do overnights yet, this course is perfect. Also handy for unexpected encampments due to an injury, for example. This half- or full-day course is offered all year, with winter classes focusing on winter backpacking.
River Crossing Skills: River crossings are the most dangerous thing hikers do in the backcountry. We teach how to read the water, the way of streams, and to cross rivers safely… and when to not even try. Rock-hopping, fording, going individually, or as a team. There are several techniques one can turn to.
Winter Skills: If you’re experienced but completely new to winter hiking, this prep, planning and packing course will cover subjects to get you started safely and in the right direction. This half-day indoor offering can be done anytime, but late fall to early winter is ideal.
To learn more about these courses, please click on the links or icons above. Better yet, book one or two today.