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Treeline and Beyond

The objective was to clear treeline, see what all the fuss is about, and then climb Mt Washington with the goal of summiting. Being there was a small weather window, it looked like it’d be on nicer side up there for a change. On lead for this hike was Redline Guide Debra McCown, who supplied the short summary and photos below.

Our two guests were hoping for amazing weather on Mt Washington — and they got it: The day was filled with absolutely magical views, sunshine, and sparkling snow in the alpine and on the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail.
One of them was hoping to summit Washington on her 52nd birthday (happy birthday), a goal she had been training for. Unfortunately, she didn’t quite make it, and we turned around half a mile from the summit. She plans to return next year for another attempt.
The second guest’s primary goal was to get some winter above-treeline experience and build her confidence with winter hiking in the Presidentials. So even though we didn’t summit, she said she absolutely loved the journey — and also plans to return to go to the top. —Debra


Great job one and all. Some of the dreams came true. Congratulations for the effort (and happy birthday).

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