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Pierce and Eisenhower

A Girl Scout Troop wanted our help on the Southern Presidential Range. The plan was to meet them at the Mizpah Hut — where they stayed the night — lead them to the 4k summits of Mts Pierce and Eisenhower, then bring them back to go. An interesting ask and we were happy to accommodate. On the job for this mission was Redline Guide Debra McCown. What follows is her take along with some photos.

Girls Are More Capable Than They Know

When the girls looked up at Mt Eisenhower, they were clearly intimidated. They remarked with surprise on how big and impressive it looked from the col between it and Mt Pierce, declaring, ‘We’re not climbing that!’ It was then that one of the moms leading the group of Girl Scouts who told them that they’d be climbing it regardless of their doubts — and to not complain.
It had been an interesting day so far. The morning began with rain, and the start of the hike was delayed a bit for the weather to clear. Even so, it began in damp, cool weather, and the hike up Mt Pierce to the summit was in fog and wind, making everything seem eerie, obscuring the views.
It wasn’t until we were well on our way to Mt Eisenhower, the second peak on our itinerary, that the clouds began to clear and the group — six middle-school girls and their two adult leaders — got a glimpse of the mountain. They were all impressed by its beauty and, as noted, intimidated by how big it looked from where they stood. But once the question of whether they were going to hike it or not was settled, as the clouds continued to clear they became enamored with the stunning views of colorful fall leaves which filled the valleys below.
They continued on the trail, and in less time than they expected, the girls were standing on top of that intimidating Mt Eisenhower summit! They then sat down for a lunch break, enjoying the 360-degree views.
So many hurdles were overcome that day. For the girls collectively, their accomplishment meant understanding that they were capable of more than they thought — that even a goal that they found intimidating at first glance proved fully achievable.
For one of the moms who had trained for this hike after turning around well shy of the summit on the group’s last 4000-footer hike, it was a chance to see her effort pay off as she stood on the top of not one but TWO of New Hampshire’s scenic mountains with her group.
And for one of the girls who was initially afraid of the exposure she felt on the trail’s mild rock scrambles, it was a chance to learn that she was a natural scrambler who wound up leading the way for her peers up the rockiest part.
It was also a first for the group to venture out with the security of knowing their guide had the judgment to keep them safe into weather that was a little outside their comfort zone.
In the end, the day was all about girls being empowered to tackle challenges and break down the barriers created by ‘can’t’ and ‘won’t’ that we can so easily stumble on. They absolutely crushed their goals! And still arrived back at the Mitzpah Hut in plenty of time for dinner. —Debra


Nice way to empower those Scouts, Debra. Fine lead. And to the group, thank you for letting us help!

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