Are you ready? We are... Meet the Ready Pack: It's everything you need!

First on the List

Welcome to New Hampshah. That’s what we say to our guest vacationing here from Wisconsin and taking on her first 4000-footer: Mt Pierce. She sure picked a good day for her indoctrination. As Redline Guide Chase Hall put it…

[…] Beautiful weather, no wind, and the temperatures made for a really awesome day. The colors of the leaves are starting to lose that green, giving way to the yellows, oranges, and reds of fall. The northern views of the other Southern Presidentials and Mt Washington were really quite clear. […] —Chase

But let’s let the photos do the talking…

Great job, team. To our guest, thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding… you have 47 to go! 😉

Don't Wait Too Long!

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