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Another Backpacking 101 Op

For those who couldn’t make it…

Awaken in Nature

September 28th & 29th (2024)

Looking for another opportunity to learn how to backpack Redline Guide Arlette Laan? This opportunity is for you, then. She’s been with us since day one and has earned a great reputation in that time and is a font of knowledge. Specifically we wanted to get her on another Women’s Only Backpacking Trip as these have been extremely popular and very well received in the past.

Arlette is able to lend unique insights that others may not be able to provide, particularly as it concerns being a woman on trail as she has deep experience with being on trail for extended periods of time. And trust us when we say this is a gross understatement. Being that Arlette has hiked all of the National Scenic Trails in the US and in the past year has spent far more nights trailside than at home, we can safely say that Arlette is an absolute and uncontested expert in this realm so do be sure to sign up right away before this event sells out.

Details at a Glance

  • What: 2 Day, 1 Night Edu Backpacking trip.
  • Why: It’s a backpacking Master Class for women.
  • When: September 28th-29th, 2024 (times TBD)
  • Where: Not revealed here for privacy reasons.
  • Who: Women-only, ages 18+ (4 person limit)
  • Cost: Discounted at $225 each (see Note below).

NOTE: The pricing shown above is contingent upon having a minimum of three participants in the class. if there are four, we will drop the price to $200/person (adjustments will appear on your balance due invoice. Moreover, the pricing does not include hiking/backpacking gear, backpacking meals, transportation, or gratuity. That said, hiking/backpacking rental gear is standing by and freeze dried meals are available for purchase upon request, as needed. (Jump to Registration Info.)

The Rough Plan

For privacy reason we aren’t going to divulge specific information, but here’s an approximate overview of what to expect:

Day One: After maybe dropping a car, at a slow to moderate pace the group will hike in to a suitable legal camping location taking in some sights and points of interest on the way in. The vast majority of the elevation gain on that day (and for the whole trip) happening in the first couple of hours. Figure on an approximately five mile day with around 1500 feet of elevation gain. This is considered a moderate amount. After the hike in is complete the team with establish camp and do the day-to-day tasks required along with educational oversight, as needed. This will end with a dinner meal, camp and personal clean up, critter mitigation, fine conversation, then bedding down for the night.

Day Two: After awakening in paradise, having coffee or your beverage of choice and a good, hearty breakfast, making water and doing the required chores of the morning, the team will break camp, do an LNT once-over, then hike about 6 miles to the planned terminus of the trip. The elevation gain for the entire day will end up being maybe 200 feet so this day, for some, will be considered easy, despite the mileage involved. That kind of elevation gain will not even be noticed and overall the elevation will drop as the day wears on.

What You’ll Learn

  • Learn: what gear to bring when you go backpacking.
  • Learn: how to pack your pack… what, where, how, and why.
  • Learn: how to stay clean and comfortable.
  • Learn: how to protect your food from bears and other critters.
  • Learn: why and how to Leave No Trace (LNT).
  • Learn: how to deal with… stuff, situations arise, adapt.
  • Learn: how to manage your drinking water.
  • Learn: how to deal with meals and clean up.
  • Learn: how to manage one’s own hygiene.
  • Learn: camp etiquette so you don’t become “that girl.”
  • Learn: other things as teachable moments do come up.
  • Learn: more… (had to add that).

How To Register

Please fill out our online booking form (not a payment gateway). Where it asks, choose “Backpacking (2 Days)” as the Activity then plug in the dates where it asks. You could also signify it’s this “Women’s Only Backpacking Trip” you’re interested in in the form’s comments box.

Questions? Please reach if you have any!

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