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Huntington Never Gets Old

She came to us looking to take on the notorious, the infamous, the fantastic and amazing Huntington Ravine on the east side of Mt Washington. For us, this is a fairly common request. And it’s one we love to be sure. Been there for ages, but really it just never gets old. For our guests it’s a must-see rite-of-passage. But it’s one many don’t want to go to alone. Enter Redline Guiding! We were ready to help, happy to help, and we put Redline Guide Glenn Van Neil on it. Keep reading for more insight and some photos.

Hardest Trail in the Whites they say… no problem! Sometimes it’s hard to find people brave enough to tackle the ‘hardest trail’ in the Whites, but we’re always up for the adventure. The Huntington Ravine Trail is tough, for sure. I personally don’t know about it being hardest, but it’s intimidating and steep and there are spots where a fall would and could be catastrophic. Our guest wanted to hike the HRT and summit Mt Washington as an achievement towards covering all the trails in the Whites.
We set off at 7am from Pinkham Notch and this guest had zero issues tackling this trail! Perfect weather conditions all day (except for the haze from the wildfires out west). Up Huntington Ravine Trail and after a discussion on the Summit of George, down the Lion Head was chosen and back to the cars we went. Right around 8 hours round trip which is very respectable! Congrats to our guest on a great day hiking in the Whites on the ‘hardest trail’ out there! —Glenn


Great lead, Glenn, and to our guest, congratulations and well done conquering that sketchy trail!

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