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Keeping Things Fresh

Gridding is a name for the pursuit of summiting NH’s 48 4000-footers every month of the year. According to the math, that means we are multiplying 48 (peaks) by 12 (months). No need to go for your phone; it’s a whopping 576. If that seems like a lot of redundancy, it may be, unless you explore your options. Such as: Combining peaks — which is quite common, even doing grand loops and mega traverses — and accessing these peaks by new and interesting ways. Coupled with four distinct seasons, some of the “grind” of the Grid can go away.

The reason we are mentioning this is due to the commentary offered by Redline Guide Chase Hall (see the blockquote below). It got us thinking. Chase was guiding an oft-returning guest who is working on his Grid. He led him up Mt Moosilauke via Glencliff, this time. Since Chase has completed the Grid for himself already, he knows the importance and keeping things fresh so he is trying here to do just that.

Whenever you get a chance to hike up Moosilauke in Summer, go up Glencliff trail. It’s a moderate7.6 miles out-and-back hike with 3,200 feet of elevation gain. Add South Peak and you have yourself a great hike with incredible views. Though, when you GRID the Whites you will hike some really fun trails but you need to change them ups sometimes. You shouldn’t just hike up the same ones over and over again. You could burn yourself out and lose interest. I’ve guided today’s guest over ten times now and each time we try and use different trails to the summits all the time. Some days are longer than others, but at the end of the day we are having fun exploring the White Mountains. Thank you, guest, for trusting me to guide you over ten times. I hope to be guiding you on many more adventures. —Chase

Fine lead, Chase, using your imagination. To our guest, thank you for letting us help you on your continuing journey!

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