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Isolation via Glen Boulder

A returning guest working on his Grid — you know, those 48 peaks every month of the year — “needed” Mt Isolation for the month of May. So, on that last day of that month, our guest tagged that summit with Redline Guide Chase Hall by his side. Chase has been a companion to our guest on several of his hikes. This was yet another one. The plan could have been simple, and our story a sleeper. But there’s a twist.

The standard route, if you will, to Mt Isolation, is to hike out-and-back via part of the Rocky Branch Trail. It gets it done, as they say. There are other routes; more rewarding routes (this is undeniable, right?), but they all serve to punish the unwary. Take for instance, Davis Path from Route 302 — then traversing to Route 16 (with variable endings). What a winner that hike is. It really delivers but also covers some 17 miles or so. Another route, one much more popular, is to access Davis Path via Glen Boulder Trail. This is also a delight to behold, but bear in mind this route involves climbing to over 5000 feet before dropping down the Isolation’s 4004′ summit. It doesn’t seem fair. Many, if not most, will head out via Rocky Branch Trail from there and call it a day. Others, though, find themselves in need of another alpine fix. Those folks chugging their way back up to Glen Boulder Trail — the scenic route. Chase is that guy!

Glen Boulder Trail is Chase’s idea of fun. He loves it — claiming it as a favorite. And there’s a lot to like. It’s rugged and steep to start, it’s wicked pretty, it’s got a whole lotta alpine going on, and it has this cool glacial erratic (glacier poop): the “Glen Boulder.” Planning this hike Chase learned our guest hadn’t had the Glen Boulder experience yet so he led the way. Heading back up for that second alpine fix in the process, of course.

[…] I took my guest up the Glen Boulder Trail (one of my favorite trails in the Whites) for the first time. It’s one of the many perks of the job. You get to watch your guest have fun hiking a brand new trail. It’s a privilege to do that. You really work for that summit when you choose the Glen Boulder Trail. But it’s worth it. To me it’s just a really fun trail with incredible views. —Chase


Good decision, Chase. Totally worth it. To our guest, thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding and congratulations!

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