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Flume & Liberty in April

A returning guest, working on his GRID, was again paired up with Redline Guide Chase Hall. Chase can relate to all things GRID. For those who have no idea what the GRID is, well, you know those 4000-footers, right? Try doing them in every month of the year (usually taking years to complete). Boom, that’s the GRID. 48×12. “Needed” today was Mts Liberty and Flume. Chase supplied the following report and photos

Flume and Liberty, today, with a returning guest. Spikes were on at 2,100 feet. The crossings were rock-hopable. We reached the Franconia Ridge Trail junction and it started to snow. From the junction sign to the Liberty summit was all snow. Views were very slim. Less windy. Between Liberty and Flume the clouds started to sink and snow turned to rain between the two summits. Once we reached Flume the clouds were around to stay. Had lunch on Flume’s summit then we started to head down. It was really nice not getting rained on the way up BUT rain caught us coming down. Thankfully we were .5 miles our cars when it did. The day was a very successful one. —Chase


Two more done! Great job, team, congratulations to our guest, and a fine lead Chase!

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