A great day for Derek and Lucinda!
All the boxes got checked, but it was touch and go for a while. The couple was getting nervous. Two weeks out it was looking like running a sled was out of the question. But then we got some snow, and some rain, then some more snow, then more rain. In the end they did end up with what they needed. Just enough. The NH Fish and Game said they’d open it — they were motivated by the fact it was for a wedding. Aww.
The planets were aligning on the you-can-do-this-legal-front and even more good stuff was happening at the same time. The road was getting cleaned up by a local sledding club, blowdowns removed, and some trails groomed. A few trails opening at last. As it turned out we were able to ride all the way to the Black Cap summit loop junction. There we parked our machines and the hiked final .3mi. The other way around, the .4, was not ready for prime time. Maybe another snow-rain cycle will fix it.
One other snowmobiler made an appearance on our way out, and we did see one hiker on the way in. Otherwise, the couple, Derek and Lucinda, had the mountain to themselves. On Black Cap, not far from the summit, they changed into wedding clothes — minus Derek’s tie — and were married on January 12th, 2024. Two officially became one. After a perfect ceremony a brief photo session occurred, (Mike putting on a different hat). Some of the images appear below (used with permission).