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Skiing NH’s Backcountry

Four folks, neighbors from the next state to our south, wanted to get out there are have a backcountry alpine touring ski experience. We connected them to Redline Guide Will Murphy whose plan was to take them into the Gulf of Slides on Mt Washington. They hoped to take on Main Gully but a lot of backcountry skiers had been on it already so Will moved them over one gully to the north, affectionately known as Gully #2. If Main were a blue square, #2 is a black diamond.

By the numbers it’s a run of over 1700-feet long with an elevation loss of over 950-feet resulting in an approximate 38° pitch. Not including the lengthy skin-in/ski-out of the GOS Ski Trail, the team skied only part of the headwall. The number are fine, but it’s more narrow and technical than Main. The weather was initially a concern — it’s Mt Washington, after all — but the team was blessed with a fine day — evident in the photos.

They really enjoyed it and said they learned a lot, Will reported, and added that they said they wouldn’t have done it on their own without a guide (smart). We’re wicked happy to be able to open that door a bit and show the way.

Great tour, Will. And to the whole team, great job out there and thank you for following Redline Guiding into the backcountry!

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