One of the benefits to hiring a guide for a one-on-one hiking adventure is that the day belongs entirely to the guest. Say, for example, we’re out with one of our long-time oft-returning guests doing a little shakedown hike on the Kinsmans. It’s a beautiful day, great company, balmy, sunny. Really awesome. The duo venture off to Bald Peak — a common stop for those hiking the Kinsmans from the west. And it was there our guest, led by Redline Guide Arlette Laan, decided the view from that spot was lovely enough and no additional summits needed taking that day. They slowly made their way back down to the lot, ticking the box next to first shakedown, getting reacquainted with winter-ish.
Here are a few photos of the day…

Okay, maybe this isn’t a typical winter shakedown… but it sure looks awesome!