There is a wooded lump in the middle of the Pemigewasset Wilderness. It’s located in one of the most remote areas we have — at least by New Hampshire standards. The mountain, being a hair over 4000 feet above sea level in height, appears on a list of the “NH 4000-footers.” Subsequently, it gets hiked. A lot. If it wasn’t for this list, we daresay, this mountain would seldom have humans tramping upon its flanks. Only the die-hard explorers — some are friends of ours — would venture up there. The mountain, instead, would belong to Moose and Squirrel.
Being that Owl’s Head (4025′) is on the list, being that it’s so remote, being it can involve “bushwhacks” and navigational skills, and being that the water crossings one might encounter along the way are sometimes quite dangerous, we are often asked to furnish a hiking guide as a knowing companion — often mandated by a caring someone at home. Hiking this mountain, while not super technical in nature, does throw up its obstacles. It earns some respect on that level.
This latest trip fits that description to a perfectly and the “knowing companion” for our single guest was Redline Guide Dominic Torro. Together they slayed the owl opting for an early, pre-dawn start. They utilized the “Black Pond Bushwhack” but climbed Owl’s Head itself via the Owl’s Head Slide path. They made great time all in all only taking eight hours to get it all done. Dominic took some photos to the trip, below.


The morning hues.

Black Pond looking awesome.

Low water today.

Heading in.

The big climb.

Franconia Ridge from the east.

Such a pretty way.