A many-time returning guest and very knowledgeable hiker booked some time with us, wanting only a knowing companion, as per his usual, to accompany him on one of his GRID hikes. In ths case, bagging Middle and North Tripyramid for the month of April. For those who don’t know, the GRID is the pursuit of hiking all of New Hampshire’s 4000-footers, all 48 of them, in each month of the year, albeit not in one year, though it has been done. So, this trip, for example, as noted, was the Tripyramids for the month of April. Our guest has them for March and May — and all the other months, in fact — already, but he was missing the April summits of these two mountains. Crazy, right? Or impressive? Or astonishing? You decide. In any case, it’s quite the pursuit — it’s 48×12. That’s 576 summits if you do the math (though you don’t have to, now)!
Leading on this trip was Redline Guide Ken Hodges. Ken reported the day was an uneventful one, our guest being a knowledgeable hiker makes Ken’s “job” easier. They decided on taking Pine Bend Brook Trail, both out and back. They considered other options but in the interest of safety and with consideration to water crossings, they went the way they did. Ground conditions were very firm thanks to some recent and overnight cold weather so spikes and crampons were the tools best suited for the job. Just below the summit Ken’s thermometer read 18°F so hiking in the sun felt great. A gorgeous day and fine hike.

Signs of spring down low.

But they ascend back into winter a bit.

The team makes the ridge.

The north summit. Well done, sir.

The walk between them.

The view from the middle peak. Gorgeous.
Great job, team. Getting it done. Thanks for letting Redline Guiding help.